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The Community of Amor is about 10 km from the city of Leiria. It is located between Leiria, Marinha Grande and Monte Real. It’s crossed by a affluent of the River Lis and by the road E.N. 349-1.

In the Community you’ll find the majority of the population employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors.

The main activities of the secondary sector carried out in the Community are carpentry, civil construction and the glass industry, in partnership with neighboring areas.

In recent years, investment in the industrial sector has been significant.

The Amor Business Reception Area concentrates mainly companies in the molds sector.

There is also a commercial and service offer, from the food sector to the sale of retail products.



secretaria@jf-amor.pt | junta.amor@sapo.pt | junta.amor@gmail.com

+351 244 861 144 | +351 961 349 647 | +351 927 589 981

Largo Padre Margalhau nº3, 2400-788 Amor

The Community of Arrabal is located about 10 km from the city of Leiria via the EM544. It is located between Leiria, Santa Catarina da Serra and Chainça, and Batalha.

In the Community you will find the majority of the population employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors, namely in the textile industry and in civil construction.



j.f.arrabal@mail.telepac.pt | noticias.arrabal@gmail.com

+351 244 744 414 | +351 918 785 663

Rua José Bernardino Crespo nº23, 2420-009 Arrabal

The Community of Bajouca is located about 22 km from the city of Leiria via the A17 or the IC2. It is located between Leiria and Pombal.

The Community of Bajouca is popularly known for the ancient tradition of molding clay.

In the Community one finds the majority of the population employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors, in which civil construction and construction support activities are relevant, in addition to the activities of the primary sector that also have some relevance.




+351 244 684 004 | +351 913 874 574

Rua Voluntários 25 Novembro nº3, 2425-173 Bajouca

The Community of Bidoeira de Cima is located about 15 km from the city of Leiria. It is located between Leiria and Pombal.

In the Community one finds the majority of the population employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors.

In the agricultural area, horticultural and floriculture production in greenhouses, aviaries, dairy farms and pig farms are relevant.

It concentrates several areas of activity: The wood, carpentry, civil construction, marble, civil, mechanical, aluminum and pvc metalwork sectors, clay extraction, food products, ready-to-wear and commerce in general.




+351 244 721 190 | +351 966 122 512

Rua do Comércio nº165, 2415-002 Bidoeira de Cima

The Community of Caranguejeira is located about 15 km east of the city of Leiria going through the road N350.

In the Community one finds the majority of the population employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors. In fact, the two sectors occupy a very equal importance for the economy of the Community.

The Business Reception Areas of Caranguejeira are called Longra and Vale Côvo, hosting industries related to construction, carpentry and wood sawing.




+351 244 734 437 | +351 244 734 866

Rua do Comércio nº54, 2420-091 Caranguejeira

Located in the western part of the Municipality of Leiria, about 22 km north of the city going through the road N109, the Community of Coimbrão is the one that touches the sea at Praia do Pedrogão.

In the Community, most of the population is employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors, with emphasis on commercial activities and hotels. In the secondary sector, the construction industries and those linked to wood and bakery stand out.




+351 244 606 478 | +351 925 242 008

Largo D. Dinis de Mello e Castro, 2425-452 Coimbrão

The Community of Maceira is located about 12 km southwest of the city of Leiria going through the road N356-1.

In the Community, most of the population is employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors, with the secondary sector being the most relevant.

In fact, the Community of Maceira integrates a relevant industrial nucleus in the Munnicipality. Its origin dates back to the foundation of a cement factory, opened in the 20s of the last century.

In the area’s strong industrial tradition, companies in areas such as concrete manufacturing, molds, metalworking, among others, stand out.

In this Community there are five Business Reception Areas worth mentioning: Figueirinhas, Cerca, Cerca/Brejo Redondo, Alcogulhe de Cima and Telheiro.




+351 244 777 186

Rua de Leiria nº60, 2405-018 Maceira

The Community of Milagres is located about 9 km north of the city of Leiria going through the road N533, where the magnificent temple of Senhor dos Milagres is located.

In the community one finds most of the population employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors, the tertiary sector being the most important, although there are also important agricultural activities in the Community.




+351 244 851 861

Largo Santuário Senhor dos Milagres nº46, 2415-020 Milagres

The Community of Regueira de Pontes is located about 8 km north of the city of Leiria going through the N109.

Right in the center of the Municipality of Leiria, its economic activity is mainly concentrated in the tertiary sector, namely in commerce, although there are also relevant activities in the secondary sector.

In the Business Reception Area of Regueira de Pontes, there are companies from different sectors of activity: plastics, glass, paint manufacturing, among others.




+351 244 861 984 | +351 910 740 936 | +351 910 740 070

Largo da Igreja nº1, 2415-200 Regueira de Pontes

The Communities of Colmeias and Memória are 2 locations under the same administration.

These are locations northeast of the city, which are about 14 km away going through the IC2 and about 18 km through the N350, respectively.

With the majority of the population employed in the tertiary sector, namely in the car trade and repair, it nevertheless contains important industrial centers in the minerals and ceramics sector.




+351 244 722 608

Rua Alfredo Sousa Brandão nº71, 2420-205 Colmeias

Largo Nossa Senhora da Memória, 2410-903 Memória

Established in 2013, this community of Communities is born from the union of 4 territories.

The Community of Leiria, Pousos, Barreira e Cortes, is one of the largest Community in the entire Municipality, being one of the most welcoming of businesses, especially in its Business Reception Areas: BRA of Pousos, BRA of Freiria and BRA of Casal da Cortiça.

As it includes the center of the city of Leiria, 3/4 of its population is employed in areas related to services, in the tertiary sector, with the remaining 1/4 practically in the industrial sector.




+351 244 827 679 | +351 927 263 099

Rua Conde Ferreira nº28, 2410-104 Leiria

Number two in the municipality in terms of the number of companies installed, after the Communities of Leiria, Pousos, Barreira and Cortes, the Communities of Marrazes and Barosa also stand out for their business dimension in the commerce and services and industrial sectors.

The Communities of Marrazes and Barosa are located close to the city centre.

The Business Reception Areas of Cova das Faias – ZICOFA and Casal do Cego in Marrazes, and the Carreira d’Água in Barosa, stand out in terms of relevance for the municipality.

These are some companies examples of the Business Reception Areas: Grupo Lusiaves and Meigal, DRT Moldes and Plásticos, Respol, Poço, MD Group, Churrasqueiras Rei dos Frangos, Danosa Eurofoam, Leiriviga | Litoprel, Scania, Recheio Cash & Carry, among others.




Marrazes: +351 244 854 247

Rua Joaquim Soares Cêa Simão nº9, 2415-690 Marrazes

Barosa: +351 244812 819

Estrada da Barosa, 2400-013 Leiria

The Communities of Monte Real and Carvide, are composed as indicated by 2 localities: Monte Real and Carvide.

These are locations to the northwest of the city, which are 15 and 19 km away on the N109 road, respectively.

Most of the population is employed in the communities in the tertiary and secondary sectors, the most relevant being the tertiary.




Monte Real: +351 244 612 777

Parque Olímpio Duarte Alves, 2425-043 Monte Real

Carvide: +351 244 602 606

Rua Tenente Coronel Joaquim Duarte Alves nº303, 2425-341 Carvide

The Communities of Monte Redondo and Carreira, are composed as indicated by 2 localities: Monte Redondo and Carreira.

These are locations to the north of the city, which are about 22 and 17 km away on the IC2 and A17 roads, respectively.

Most of the population is employed in the communities in the tertiary and secondary sectors, the most relevant being the tertiary, but with important contributions also in the secondary sector.




Monte Redondo: +351 244 685 328

Rua Albano Alves Pereira nº3, 2425-617 Monte Redondo

Carreira: +351 244 612 698

Largo de São Jorge, 2425-286 Carreira

The Communities of Parceiros and Azoia, are composed as indicated by 2 locations: Parceiros and Azoia.

The Communities of Parceiros and Azoia are located to the west of the city, and relatively close to the centre.

In the communities, most of the population is employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors, the most relevant being the tertiary, but with important contributions also in the secondary sector.




Parceiros: +351 244 826 922

Rua de Parceiros nº1630, 2400-441 Parceiros

Azoia: +351 244 871 774

Rua Santa Catarina, 2400-823 Azoia

The Communities of Santa Catarina da Serra and Chainça, are composed as indicated by 2 localities: Santa Catarina da Serra and Chainça.

These are locations to the southeast of the city, which are about 16 km away, respectively.

Most of the population is employed in the communities in the tertiary and secondary sectors, the most relevant being the tertiary, but with important contributions also in the secondary sector.




Santa Catarina da Serra: +351 244 741 314

Rua de Santa Catarina nº22, 2495-186 Santa Catarina da Serra

Chainça: +351 244 745 234

Rua Nossa Senhora de Fátima nº67, 2495-219 Chainça

The Communities of Santa Eufémia and Boavista, are composed as indicated by 2 localities: Santa Eufémia and Boa Vista.

These are localities to the northeast of the city, which are about 8 km away, respectively on the N350 and the IC2 roads.

The first traces of human presence in this territory date back to the Paleolithic period, as confirmed by the archaeological findings of Vale do Lapedo.

In the communities, most of the population is employed in the tertiary and secondary sectors, the most relevant being the tertiary, but with important contributions also in the secondary sector, namely, the agricultural industries (feed production and pig farming), the wood, construction materials, trade in electrical equipment, plumbing and air conditioning materials.





Santa Eufémia: +351 244 801 052

Rua N. Sra. da Conceição nº253, 2420-362 Santa Eufémia

Boa Vista: +351 244 723 025

Rua António Antunes Barbeiro nº1, 2420-379 Boa Vista

The Communities of Souto da Carpalhosa and Ortigosa, are composed as indicated by 2 localities: Souto da Carpalhosa and Ortigosa.

These are locations to the north of the city, which are about 14 km and 11 km away, respectively along the N109 road.

The activities of the secondary and tertiary sectors are the main activities of the economy of the Communities of Souto da Carpalhosa and Ortigosa.

Among the main areas of activity in the communities, stand out civil construction, the plastics industry, accounting services, food and non-food trade, among others.

In these communities can be found three Business Reception Areas: Ortigosa, Souto da Carpalhosa and Arroteia. All of them concentrate industries from different economic areas.




+351 244 613 198

Largo Santíssimo Salvador nº448, 2425-876 Souto da Carpalhosa

Rua da Escola nº 51, 2425-736 Ortigosa

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